Renew began out of a desire to see God bring a renewed understanding of his love and hope to the Carroll Community...
with the hope that women and men, boys and girls would be drawn into a transforming relationship with Jesus and real and authentic community with each other.
In the summer of 2010 we linked arms with a handful of Iowa Covenant churches and began to pray about what God might do in Carroll. Slowly over the next year a core group began to form. It was two families at first, then three then ten. We have always had the sense at Renew that God wanted and needed this church in our community even more than we did and so we have watched Him do amazing things in our midst.
In the summer before our public launch we began meeting at the First Presbyterian Church of Carroll with a solid group of people that God began to assemble as launch team and in the fall of 2011 our church was born, going public with our Grand Opening service on Sunday October 9th, 2011. At 5pm we watched as the place filled up and Renew Covenant Church was born!
In the Spring of 2012 the church secured a lease on great building and began renovation of our current space at Main and Hwy 30 right in the heart of Carroll. We rallied together and worked very hard to complete the new space and had our Grand Opening on February 17th, 2013. Since that time we have seen many people become a part of the Renew family.
We have seen people of all ages find a renewed or brand new relationship with God and we continue striving to become the authentic community that we see the early church live out in the pages of Scripture.
We know that the adventure has just begun for those who have been a part of Renew in these early days and we're excited for our church to grow and expand not only numerically (we recently renovated our sanctuary to add 50 seats) but spiritually as we learn to follow Jesus in every area of life.
We believe, now as always, that God is moving among us and that he has blessed this church. It's because of this that we move into our future with confidence and a real sense of adventure & mission, alongside the many churches in our community.
“Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord.
Renew them in our day, in our time make them known...”