Pastoral Staff

Tim Hawkinson, Lead Pastor

Meghan Bruggeman, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation

Danny Bruggeman, Associate Pastor to Youth and Families

Among his many roles at Renew, Pastor Danny is the key leader for Local Youth, our ministry to students grades 5-12.

Local Youth Mission:

Local exists to see all middle school and high school students move towards a life transforming relationship with Jesus that lasts into adulthood.


Leadership Council

We are a unified body of leaders who serve in communion with God to guide and enable the mission of the church. We commit to serving all who seek Him. We partner with our congregation to support ongoing ministry.

Becky Venner, Council Chair

Aaron Hoffman, Vice Chair & Ministry Advocate

Sylvia Brinker, Property Coordinator

Erin Dvorak, Communication Coordinator

Taylor Hircock, Financial Steward


Renew Ministry Team Leadership


Welcome + Hospitality Mission:

We are neighborly guides who intentionally welcome all into our church home. We present a relaxed environment through fellowship that anticipates and meets the needs of those who enter. We strive to make participating in a Christ-seeking community normal.

Char Luft, Greeting

Michelle Hoffman, Refreshments


Renew Kids Misson:

We are Christ-centered leaders who create safe and welcoming environments to encourage fun, friendship, and faith among kids and families. Our foundation is God and His Word. Our desire is to empower kids and families with a community in which they are known and seen. Our goal is for kids and families to model their faith in the world.

Marcie Hircock, Renew Kids Special Events

Kristin Promes, Renew Kids Scheduling

Meri Jo Soe, Office Administrator + Renew Kids Curriculum


Worship + Production Mission:

Led by the Spirit, we intentionally create environments that provide pathways to connect to God in worship. Using a variety of visual and musical dynamics, we enable our congregation and community to engage with Jesus.

Sean Canuso, Worship Production

Danny Cordova, Worship

Addie Cordova, Worship


Love Works Mission:

Love Works is a missional arm, reaching out to the Carroll community and beyond, mobilizing the congregation in partnership with existing community organizations, to serve others in Jesus’ name.

Peg Buman, Love Works


Counting Team Mission:

We are faithful stewards of Renew Covenant Church who accurately and promptly count the financial gifts that God provides.

Mike Soe, Counting

Sarah Sturm, Bookkeeper

Justin Venner, Property Bookkeeper


Care Team Mission:

Reflecting the heart of God, we lovingly care for all in the Renew Church family. With eyes and ears intentionally open to the community, we partner with Pastors and leaders to help our people be known, supported, and celebrated.

Michelle Kennedy, Care Team


Building Maintenance Team Mission:

We faithfully maintain a safe, comfortable, and attractive space that can effectively be used for Christ-centered worship, ministry, and education.

Chad Ross, Building Maintenance